Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dear Elliott (Letter #1)

Dear Elliott,

I just wanted to say a few words about what I've been feeling lately.

You are such a sweet, loving, and happy baby. You smile all the time, and it melts my heart every time. I go back to work after a twelve week maternity leave on Sunday, and I am dreading it. I've loved being able to spend so much time with you. We have bonded in a way that I didn't know was possible until giving birth to you.

You have an adorable dimple above your right eye that I love. :) You are really starting to show your own little personality with chuckles, big grins, and cooing.

You love taking baths in your whale tub.

Right now you are wearing 3 month clothes, but you are growing so much so it may not last for long.

Tomorrow you are going to the zoo for the first time with your cousins!

You are sleeping for around 7 hours at night (woo hoo!).

When you are upset, my heart breaks because all I want to do is make you happy.

Your Daddy and I love you beyond words.


  1. Hi! just wanted to welcome you to my blog--typing one handed with a sleepy baby, so excuse the errors:) I'm about to go back to work and SO nervous about it. How are you managing it?

  2. Hey Keshet! My first day back was rough. I cried when I left, cried a little on my way to work, and then cried when a co-worker asked me how Elliott was doing! But once I got settled in (and remembered all of my login passwords!) it was okay. Day two was much easier. Now it has been two weeks and I've gotten used to it. It still stinks because I feel like I hardly get any time with him, but I've learned to make that time count. Good luck!! :)


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